Sunday, 19 October 2014

B&W Photo

I have been finding it really hard to keep up with blogging while juggling family, work and studying so I thought as a photography student the best thing to do is find a linky that I can combine my photos and a simple blog post.

I think some photos need colour to help tell their story but there are certain images that just work as black and white!

I was recently given the prompt 'waiting' by my tutor for a photo to hand in as homework. We were sent outside to practice experimenting with exposure and I took this shot of a woman waiting by the road.

I love how the road looks empty apart from the lady but actually it was a really busy afternoon, I also like the composition of the tree on the opposite side of her. I think the image has more impact in black and white than it would in colour.

This post is linked up with The B&W Photography project over at Podcast.

 photo 4d06e438-4e6a-4f3b-88b2-0c1093350397_zps361ad0e9.jpg


  1. I like the shot too - the black and white give it a timeless feel

  2. Nice shot. It's almost like the tree is waiting for something too. :-) #bwphotoproject

  3. Fabulous photo, absolutely love it. It always amazes how a photograph changes when its in black and white. It's been a great project for tinkering I must say! Thank you so much for sharing and joining in #bwphotoproject


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